As a person comes closer to the end of their life they will sleep a lot. You can play the “End of Life” meditation while they are asleep and it will help them even if you can’t tell. I have been by a lot of bedsides while people pass and I am sure they hear.
The Bereavement track is for you after things have come to a close with someone’s life. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Using proven techniques enjoyed by superstars around the world in sports, music, acting, and experts in every field, you will find that hypnosis can help you get into an excellent state and focus on the right things to make yourself successful in any environment.
You have YOUR side of the loop and they have THEIR side of the loop. You feed into their loop and they feed into yours. Change your loop and change their loop and change the relationship.
Imagine what would happen if you can “forget” about your physical or emotional discomfort even a few minutes a day. Think about how your life would change.
Pretend for a second you didn’t have that pesky habit… you know the one I am talking about! Suppose you got rid of it and how much better your life would be when it was gone.
How fast can the human brain learn something? FAST! How many times do you need to touch a stove to learn it is hot?! ONCE! That’s how fast you can learn! Your unconscious mind is so powerful that it can learn things really fast, including new strategies to help you develop new skills, destroy habits, and even deal with physical and emotional discomfort! The best tool that humanity has is right between the ears!
Hypnosis seems like a mystery sometimes and yet all it is is paying attention to the right things and ignoring the wrong things. It is also a way to train the unconscious mind- that mind that helps you to breathe and makes your heart beat and warns you when the water is too hot in the bathtub, to find new solutions to old problems and to forget unhelpful patterns of thinking Hypnosis has been used for a long time ( to address all sorts of things though history. Maybe it is time to address YOUR history in order that you can quickly have a better future!
There is an investment with hypnosis, for sure. Sometimes I ask myself, “what would it be like if I never had to deal with this again in my life?” and “think about how much better you’d feel!” What is it worth to you to eat better? To desire to exercise? To have a good relationship with your spouse, your boss, your friends, your kids, or whomever? I don’t want to say the word priceless and yet, I can’t think of a more perfect word.
Here are some truths about hypnosis and when you read them you can start to relax and feel better about hypnosis: