Application to Join "Breaking the Chains of Paralyzing Anxiety: Free Mini Group Coaching" Group mentoring program with Joshua Wagner: Certified Hypnotist

***Read before you apply**

Filling out this application will put you into a waitlist to work with me.  

If we work together, you will be challenged to both receive the results you desire all while being challenged to question everything about who you are so you can let go of anything that doesn’t serve you and step into the full, radiant power of your authenticity.

If you really want to work with me, this is your space to let me know why. For now, I am only taking 5 new members.

The best  matches are the ones who connect on the human-to-human level, so share your personality. I want to KNOW you.

If you are seriously interested in learning hypnosis,
please fill out this application.
Applications will be evaluated in 1-3 business days.

Download "5 Ways to Heal from Career Betrayal"
Download "5 Ways to Heal from Betrayal"
Download "5 Ways to Heal from Betrayal"